Friday, May 31, 2013

Paul Pierce

This drawing piece is by far the best piece that I have created. By me selecting to contribute and add to Paul Pierce, I was able to practice my shading and detailing to bring my art piece to life. In my opinion, I would say that this art piece was very success. The selection that I choose brought the picture to life and that is a success for any art piece when an artist can bring his drawings to life.

One thing that worked about this piece is the shading. This piece was hard to draw but the shading was simple. Also, the shading gave color to the drawing and this also brought it to life. If I was to redo this again I don't think that i would be able to get the same outcome that I got, because an artist can never draw the same thing the same way but he can draw something similar and give it a different life. A good example is the Paul Pierce drawing. They may share some similar qualities but they are not completely similar. On the right, Paul Pierce seems to look fat and on the right, he seems to look young. It was hard to make these pieces resemble each other and i learned that.

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